w h i t e f a d e s g r e y

and if you cut my wrist twice..
the blood from my happiness flow..
and if you play with my sacrifice..
i will no longer be your filthy white crow.

it all started when you paint my
bleeding black mascara..
it fades on your filthy pale skin.
i'll bury the memories
and burn the those feelings..
till the ashes arise and stick into your bloody
teary eyes...
help me to rise again..
i don't need a twice
to get what i wanted...

And if you take her away I shall no longer pray.
For the happiness you may On unwanted shades of grey.
Hear my hollowed whispers And broken empty promises.
Followed by the trust you've chained Deep down inside my veins

by : k a d y r


Malam itu,
Kulihat bulan bergantungan di awan,
Terpancar cahaya menyelimuti susuk tubuh,
Susuk yang lemah gemalai,
Saat kau campak separuh cinta,
Saat kewarasanmu terpisah dari rasional,
Saat air jernih mataku menyelusuri pipi.

Tetaplah kau menerangi malam,
Tetaplah kau mengisi realiti.

Sesungguhnya kau dan aku,
Menyentuh bulan yang sama.

by: i'm a dreamer


gelap, terang, redup, basah,
tubuhku longlai melanggari
jasad jasad mati dari ilusi
menikam terus pada gelora waktu

ia berganti,
warna, bentuk,
ia berulang,
kiri, kanan,

by : artxcore